BD5 Parts Lists

The BD5 kit airplane is built from scratch. The photos below provide basic materials specifications for each part.

Required Tools

Optional Tools

Holes For Threaded Fasteners

Cable Specs

Installing Flush Avex Rivets

Fuselage - Part No FU-1

Fuselage - Part No FU-71

Horizontal Stabilizer - Part No HS-1

Vertical Stabilizer - Part No VS-1

Vertical Stabilizer - Part No VS-14

Rudder - Part No R-1

Landing Gear - Part No LG-5

Landing Gear - Part No - LG-12

Landing Gear - Part No LG-16

Cockpit & Canopy - Part No CC1

Cockpit & Canopy - Part No CC-56

Flaps & Ailerons - Part Nos F-1 & A-1 --- With Notes

Flaps & Ailerons - Part Nos F-1 & A-1 --- Without Notes

Wings - Part No W-1