Instructions for Virtual Sessions

Selected Oral Presentations

  • Each paper presentation will be 14 minutes long (with 1 minute buffer)

    • 12 minute live (synchronous) presentation, with 2 minutes for questions.

  • Please arrive in the Zoom Webinar room (see PheedLoop) at the start of the session

    • One of the hosts will ensure that each presenting author is a panelist in the Zoom webinar. You may then mute/turn off your video until it is your turn to present.

  • A 2 minute warning private chat message will be sent to the presenting author by the session chair.

Parallel Interactive Sessions

The goal of these discussion sessions is to enable a free and open discussion round and exchange - in analogy to poster sessions. The attendees, rather than only passively consuming videos, are invited to actively engage and pose questions.

  • Each interactive session will last 30 minutes, and there will be approximately 20 parallel sessions occurring in three half-hour chunks (roughly 60 papers per day)

  • Your time slot can be found on the Interactive Parallel Sessions page.

  • Please join the designated Zoom room (see your PheedLoop paper session page for a link) promptly

  • A volunteer will be present to make you a co-host and to ensure your session runs smoothly

Comments on how you may provide content for your discussion sessions:

  • You have all freedom to hold your discussion sessions as you like! This kind of sessions is fully novel at virtual conferences – be creative to make the most of this opportunity, and make it as engaging as possible.

  • You have already prepared substantial material: Your paper, supplementary video, and slides that you used for your pre-recorded presentation. This might typically be enough material and there is no need to prepare much more. An option may be to add just a few more technical slides (equations) as backup if people have specific questions.

  • As at a poster session, you should try to engage people entering your meeting in a direct conversation, and frequently ask if they have specific questions. From time to time you might offer to go briefly through your default set of slides, but always encouraging interrupting questions.