Instructions for presenters

Instructions for oral presentations

  1. Each presentation is 10 minutes+4 minute Q&A
  2. Bring your own laptop PC.
  3. Note that the projector has only a VGA input---presenters are asked to bring an adaptor for it.
  4. Please upload a copy of your slides *in pdf* at least 24 hours before your presentation using the specified google form.

Instructions for spotlight talks

  1. Each presentation is limited to 3 minutes
  2. Bring your own laptop PC.
  3. Note that the projector has only a VGA input---presenters are asked to bring an adaptor for it.
  4. Two projector inputs will be switched alternately using a switcher. The next presenter is asked to connect their own PC while the other one is giving a talk.
  5. Please upload a copy of your slides *in pdf* at least 24 hours before your presentation using the specified google form.