Self-Paced Learning 


Have you ever been in a class where:

a.) you didn't understand the material

b.) you already knew the information and had to listen to it again

c.) the teacher gave you notes, but he/she went so fast or way too slow

d.) you weren't confident in what you were learning, but the teacher was already moving on

e.) you never felt like your teacher knew what you were going through/learning in class

These are just some of the reasons I decided to start using the self-paced learning (SPL) model. I recognized that I have 15 plus students  in class at one time. That's a LOT of kids to try to get to know and to make sure you're all learning before moving on to the next topic. 

Now, I'm not saying we'll never move on,  because we will, but my goal is to give you every opportunity to keep trying until you do understand before we move on. I will  do this with writing specifically! So many of you struggle with writing, but there is so much to talk about with writing that it's hard to help each of you at your own level (because you're all at different levels in your writing)! So, we will use SPL.

Before you begin...

Before jumping in to SPL, I want you to take a minute to reflect on your education. Why are you here? No, I mean it. Not just "because I have to be." Why is your education important? 

Why is it important for you to learn? 

What is your goal for the future, and how can your teachers help you (me specifically)?

How can you help yourself?

What would your future life be like without an education (and I mean really).


As you go through the SPL units, you'll see these symbols. These symbols will be a guide on what you're expected to do at each section. Take a screen shot of these so you can refer to them if you're ever confused or not sure what to do at each section. 


This is a video and you should obviously watch it!


This means you can work with a partner or group of 3.

Whole -  Class

This assignment will be complete as a whole group and is posted for people who may be absent that day.


These are optional, the will help you grow academically, but will not count toward your grade.


This is a link to our digital platform that will help you practice and apply your skills.


This means it's time to complete practice or a mastery check.  Do not move on until you have done this.  Both require teacher's approval.