RRS is a Netsafe and Family Zone school. Our students' wellbeing both offline and online is paramount and part of that is providing a safe online teaching and learning environment. We apply our School Values; the Be Attitudes and Teu Le Va both offline and online.

Family Zone is New Zealand’s leading provider of cyber safety technology. Family Zone helps us to ensure our students are safe and on task during school time and offers parents a range of options for monitoring and supporting their children’s online journey.

An Holistic Cyber Safety Program

We are committed to creating a cyber safe environment for our school and are taking an holistic and long term view. Our program include these key initiatives:

1. Cyber Safety Hub: The Hub is an incredible online resource which has been developed to keep our community across the School’s cyber safety program and the latest cyber safety topics and issues. It also includes information on Family Zone and how it can benefit your family.

2. Monitoring and Filtering: To ensure student use of technology at school is compliant, we will be installing Family Zone technology into the school network and our school-issued Google account.

3. Free Parental Monitoring Tools: To support parents we will be providing you with a free monitoring tool called Family Zone Insights. You can use this account with your child’s school and personal devices.


Family Zone’s filtering technology is installed into our school-issued Google accounts. The application ensures school policy is applied at school and whenever students use their school-issued Google account, whether your child is connected to the school’s network or not (such as through your home network or mobile hotspotting).

The application ensures school policy is applied during whether your child is connected to the school’s network or not.

Invitations to create FREE Family Zone Accounts

Go to the Cyber Safety Hub and click the Sign Up button to register a free monitoring account called Family Zone Insights. With this account you can:

· Monitoring your child’s internet use outside of school hours;

· Disable school policy for your child’s school holidays or sick days; and

· Optionally install Family Zone onto your children's personal devices.

What happens if I already have a Family Zone account?

If this is the case you don’t need to sign up again. Just sign-in to your Family Zone account and check you have added our school to your child’s profile. If you can’t remember your password, click on the forgot password link and follow the reset password process.

Thank you for supporting your school and our students in this important cyber safety initiative. And remember:

· If you are new to Family Zone: Go to the Cyber Safety Hub to sign up for your free Family Zone Insights account.

· If you’re already using Family Zone: There is nothing you need to do, however we encourage you to sign-in to your Family Zone account and review your settings.

· If you need help: We encourage you to visit the Cyber Safety Hub or contact Family Zone Support.

When ākonga learn from home, it’s important to make sure they stay safe online. Here’s a FREE filter to block the worst of the web. Check out SWITCH ON SAFETY here.