Early Learners &

Junior Kindergarten

Daily Announcements

Hello, and welcome to the EL and JK page. This will enable parents to see what the work for the days and weeks will be for the students. Our goal is to cover all the pertinent material with videos, projects, worksheets and various links to bring along your child to the point where he or she will be successful next year. We, as teachers, feel confident that working together will yield great results for the kids. These are unprecedented times and we are committed to helping our students, and you as parents, navigate through this in the best possible way. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help you in any way we can!

Monday, June 1, Awards Ceremony for Junior Kindergarten Class Meeting Link:

Junior Kindergarten Class Awards Meeting

This meeting will be at 6 p.m. and Mrs. Sulpizi and I will present your awards to you virtually.

You will be able to pick up the hard copy and a gift bag we put together for you during the week of June 8-12. Administration sent out and email on how this would take place. If you have any additional questions, then please reach out to me. I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can! -Mrs. Lavinder

Summer Send off from Mrs. Lavinder!!

Our Year with You!

Summer Send off from Mrs. Sulpizi and John!

Weekly Plan

EL Schedule May 18-22
Week of May 18-21 JK schedule

What You May Have Missed...

Letter "Z" Craft with Paisley and Mrs. Zayas!

Sight Word Hopscotch with Mrs. Sulpizi!

Kaboom! with Mrs. Sulpizi!

Jonah and the Whale- Beginners Bible

Jonah & The Whale Craft with Mrs. Baxley!

Learning Links



Scholastic Learn @ Home

Connect with Your Teacher @ Hangouts
