Holiday Guidance Resources

RNESU Holiday Teaching Guidance

RNESU public schools serve a diverse community and must, at all times, be welcoming to those who enter its halls. In addition, we prepare our students to be members of a global society, able to navigate a workforce that includes many different cultures beyond the boundaries of Vermont. To achieve this goal, it is important that our students be exposed to different cultures and traditions and not taught only one. The following guidance should be followed to ensure we are teaching, rather than celebrating holidays and that our environments remain welcoming to all who enter at all times.

Superintendent Jeanné Collins sent a "Holiday Teaching Guidance" memo to all staff on October 14, 2019 which outlined RNESU's expectations for holiday celebrations and teachings. Please click here to review the memo.


Superintendent Jeanné Collins sent an email to all staff on December 19, 2019 which includes a letter from the district's attorney to help clarify expectations. Please click here to review the letter.

Additional Resources