

           Confucius and his disciples repeatedly discussed the principles of conduct and the importance of having lofty aspirations and unwavering determination. They emphasized the need to be benevolent towards people and love all living things, while actively embodying the virtues of a true gentleman. In the Analects, there is a passage that states, "The scholar should not be without a generous mind and a sense of great responsibility. The path is long and arduous." This illustrates how the ancient sages consistently inspired themselves with such principles.

        Children should establish lofty aspirations from an early age, diligently pursue learning, in order to achieve success in the future.

        A person with a broad and magnanimous mindset, who loves others as they love themselves and demonstrates selflessness, is said to possess "magnanimity." Individuals with such breadth of mind naturally have a strong emotional intelligence, excellent emotional management, and great interpersonal relationships. They are able to forge extensive positive connections, mutually benefitting and continuously creating opportunities for mutual success in life.



   We often say that having a firm will, steadfast determination, and unyielding perseverance is referred to as having "resilience." When children possess resilience, they are unafraid of hardships! With patience and perseverance, they must learn the spirit of enduring hardships and carrying heavy burdens like a camel. By adopting this spirit, they will surely achieve success in their studies and endeavors. 


    "Responsibility" entails a sense of duty, tackling any task without seeking shortcuts, avoiding laziness, and not giving up until the mission is successfully accomplished. By courageously taking on tasks and responsibly fulfilling duties, one can live up to the needs of the country and societal expectations in the future 


     "The term 'far' embodies depth, a great future, and far-reaching considerations. In the age of information explosion, everyone must have farsightedness, possess vision, cultivate a global perspective, engage in lifelong learning, and harness the ability to leverage technology effectively in order to remain unbeatable." 


        "The phrase '弘毅任遠' originates from a passage in the Analects, 'The scholar should not be without a generous mind and a sense of great responsibility. The path is long and arduous.' This indicates that in the past, Confucius repeatedly emphasized to his disciples the virtues of benevolence towards people and all living things, the necessity of having lofty aspirations and unwavering determination, the importance of continuous practical application, with the ultimate goal of becoming a true gentleman for a lifetime.

      Today, drawing upon the wisdom crystallized by the ancient sages in self-cultivation and ethical conduct, these insights and practices are imparted to the new generation, enabling every child to constantly immerse, explore, and inspire themselves in daily life. By striving to implement these principles, it is believed that, given time, as these ideas are comprehended and applied thoroughly, one will undoubtedly benefit greatly. Each individual will mature and excel in the future."


民國九十二年四月 吉旦

鄒運清 謹誌

瑞梅國小 (03)4825284


     Rui Mei's school motto is now officially established! This is another significant event for the school following the celebration of its thirtieth anniversary. Amidst this joyous and inspiring occasion, in addition to setting profound self-expectations and giving one's all, we should also take these four words as Rui Mei's guiding spirit for the torch to be passed on, ensuring sustainable development.

      Let us cherish our connections, appreciate our blessings, and collectively build a cohesive sense of love for the school. May we all proclaim, 'Today, I take pride in Rui Mei, and tomorrow, Rui Mei will take pride in me!'

       April of the year 2003, Yun-Ching Zou Sincerely, Rui Mei Elementary School (03) 4825284"