Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a collaborative effort by the school, parent/guardian, and business and industry for the training of apprentices and student learners through the following programs:

Job Shadowing

All students at RMCTC exhibiting good work ethics may take advantage of the job shadowing program, which enables the student to see the activities of a typical workday for a specific job.

After expressing interest in a job related to his/her instructional program and completing an off-site training agreement form, the student may spend the day in the business or industry learning the duties and requirements of the position. After the job shadowing experience, the student will have a realistic understanding of the job and will be able to make a more informed career choice.


Several instructional areas at RMCTC utilize clinical training as an integral part of the learning process. Clinical work gives the student the opportunity to use the skill learned in his/her instructional area in a “real life” setting, such as a medical care facility. Clinical training for several instructional areas is also accomplished right at RMCTC by providing services to the public. The clinical experience allows the student “live work” in a supervised setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-Op)

Through the Cooperative Education program, senior students who meet the entry-level requirements of the trade/technical area and have demonstrated good work ethics are recommended for this unique plan of education, which is designed to integrate classroom learning with supervised work experience. One objective of the program is to place the student in a position that may lead to permanent employment.