Using the Library

Using the Library

The Library is for:

  • Studying

  • Finding information

  • Books

  • Doing homework

  • A place to Read

Finding Books

Fiction Books are shelved by Genre and then A-Z by Author.

The Genres are:

  • Adventure (including Action)

  • Comedy

  • Crime (including Mysteries and Thrillers)

  • Fantasy

  • Historical

  • Horror

  • Science Fiction (including Dystopian)

  • Real Life

  • Romance

Non-Fiction Books are shelved by Subject and then by Dewey

A full list of all of all the Library's resources can be found on the Library Catalogue.

Dewey Decimal System

The Dewey Decimal system is a classification system used by libraries to arrange books via subject. Each book is issued a class mark number, found on the spine of the book, and arranged in numerical order.

The first three letters refer to the curriculum area. eg. HIS for History

Then the first three digits refer to broad subject area, and are shelved in numerical order e.g. 945 is shelved before 946.

After the three digits there is a decimal point and numbers after the decimal point show the sub-section of the subject area. Again they are shelved in numerical order e.g. 945.805 is shelved before 945.81.

Borrowing Books

  • You can borrow 3 books at a time

  • Free! There are no fines but if you lose a book you will be asked to replace it.

  • All books are issued for 3 weeks

  • Renew your books online, by email or at the Library Desk

  • If your book goes overdue you will get a reminder to return it via your tutor

  • Search for your next read

  • See what you have on loan

  • Review books you have read

  • Log in with your student email address and password.

Library Glossary

Check out these useful Library words to understand what your Librarian is talking about!

Useful Library words.doc