Get Involved

Let's work together to build a strong community at Stevenson

Stevenson Middle School APT membership form

Join us!

The Association of Parents and Teachers (APT) is a non-profit volunteer organization created to support Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School students and teachers. Funds raised by the APT help assist with various school activities and programs.

Please get involved and support Stevenson by joining the APT. You are not required to attend meetings, but we always welcome parents who would like to join us! Members will be added to the APT email list and will receive updates.

Programs assisted by APT in the past include Campus Beautification, 8th Grade graduation gifts, STEM Maker's Fair, buses for field trips, and snacks during annual testing. Forms should be returned to the front office with checks payable to: R.L. Stevenson Middle School APT. Payments can also be made via Venmo or PayPal. (Please include student name(s) on transactions.)