String Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra
*Please see the descriptions below for specific information on an ensemble.*
String Orchestra
The String Orchestra is open to all students in grades 7 and 8. The String Orchestra meets during the ROAR period at the end of each school day. Students will also be required to attend one lesson per cycle, amounting 6-7 lessons a marking period.
There are priority days each cycle for String Orchestra, which are days 1 and 2. It is required that students have their instrument, music, and other materials needed for rehearsal on these days. If a student is in band and/or choir, there are priority days for these groups as well. If a student is only in orchestra, it is required for students to attend all rehearsals each day of the cycle, unless they were requested by another teacher.
String Orchestra is an ensemble that performs challenging repertoire and will be expected to sight-read music and display proper playing techniques. Students are expected to practice their music at home on a daily basis - a practice sheet will also be given out to turn in by the end of each week. Students will receive marking period grades for String Orchestra consisting of scores for: Playing Assessments, Technical Etude work, Scales, Practice Sheets, Lesson Attendance, and Performance Participation.
The String Orchestra will perform a December Concert and a Spring Concert.
Chamber Orchestra
The Junior High Chamber Orchestra is a select ensemble of students chosen through an audition process in early September. Students must be a member of String Orchestra in order to audition for Chamber Orchestra. Students should be prepared to play a short piece for their audition. The Chamber Orchestra will meet during a school day once a cycle on a rotating schedule. This ensemble will perform several high level pieces for various events throughout the year, including all concerts, the Unified Arts Fest, and the Academic Honors Breakfast. Students in this group are expected to learn music at home in addition to their String Orchestra music.
Contact Information
Please use the following information to contact me if you have any questions or concerns!
717-244-1448 ex. 2123
Join our Remind:
To join the String Orchestra Remind: text "jhorch24" to 81010
Concert Dates + Times
JH Combined December Concert - December 14th @ 2pm - @RLSHS
JH/SH Spring Concert - Sunday, May 11th @ 2pm - @RLSHS