
By Anonymous

Racism is caused by closed-mindedness and cultural blindness. It is a hatred spawned from difference and jealousy. It is systemic oppression meant to keep a group down because another group has been up for so long, and God forbid it be any different.

It is human nature to be opposed to difference and change, thus having a closed-off worldview is a very easy way to hate races other than your own. Those who are racist are often those who cannot or refuse to travel outside of their home country, or even at times their hometown. This isolated way of life dehumanizes those who are different in any way, as the first thing the isolated individual focuses on are the ways in which the others are different from them. They forget that they are both human beings, who very likely have similar behaviors and experiences. Their minds jumps right to everything that is not the same about the other person, and then jealousy emerges as the oppressed gets their rights.

Individuals see the oppressed others receiving the help they need, whether it be from the government or from other institutions, and simply because they don’t know how to receive that help themselves, they let hatred boil up inside them. Many white Americans who have racist tendencies are those from lower-income areas, often times in the South. These individuals believe that you must work yourself to the bitter end in order to get where you need to be, which is what individuals of other races are often times already trying to do. They do not understand that much of the help they are receiving can be received by them themselves as well. Many of these programs are meant to help those who simply have lower income, not those who are of a particular race. These racist individuals feel that those of other races are taking advantage of the system, and that is true. They are taking advantage of the opportunities that everyone of low-income can take advantage of. However, the racists can’t get over the cultural differences, so they turn to the Big Man Upstairs, as in Mr. President, or Mr. Senator, or Mr. Bossman, to systematically oppress these individuals.

White Americans think that they have a right and privilege to this country that was born from diversity. They designate America as a white western nation, when it was created and fostered by humans and people from all over the globe, whether they like it or not. Racists want to deny white privilege, but it is alive and well. They do not see the massive ghettos and low-income areas that most non-white Americans are born into or forced to move to as they cannot receive the help that they need. If you asked any American where they think most African-Americans are from, they would likely say the Bronx, Baltimore, or the South in general. All of these places are areas of low-income. I know first-hand that living in a low-income household can create constant stress, and that it can be incredibly difficult to grow away from. Being a low-income individual alone makes it difficult to go to college, find a career, and make a life for yourself. Combine that with angry white men screaming at you to “go back to where you came from”, and you have the life of many non-white individuals here in America.

Go back to where you came from? Okay then Mr White Man! Why don’t you go back to Europe with your fascist, nationalist buddies and give America back to the people who originated here before you! Oh wait, I forgot. You call them redskins. Oh, but that’s your favorite football team!

Racism is a disgusting tumor on the beauty of America. A country which is often characterized as a land of opportunity is turned into a land of hatred when individuals do not open their minds and arms to appreciate new cultures that are equally as beautiful as America’s own.

“They said if you white, you's alright

If you is brown, stick around

But if you's black, oh brother

Get back, get back, get back…”

- “Get Back” by Big Bill Broonzy