Just three kids with a dream, a mission, and a vision of cost-effective safety. Security Key.


Azaryah Foger

Marketing Maestro and Financial Mogul

Rebecca Wiater

Tech Specialist and CAD Expert

Isaac Mendelson

Talented Videographer and Circuit Bravura

Azaryah Foger is in his second year in Kushner and second year of STEM and coding. He is very smart and has a strong interest in CAD as well as marketing. He is also extremely capable creating of great ideas.

Rebecca Wiater is in her fifth year in Kushner and second year of STEM and Coding. She enjoys working with circutry to create amazing product prototypes. She is an extreme genius, whose mind constantly works to achieve great things.

Isaac Mendelson is in his twelfth year in Kushner and second year in STEM and coding. He loves to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs and enjoys learning how to code. His capability of multi-tasking creates great ideas and opportunities for himself.

Team Bonding :)


Contact [azaryah.foger@rkyhs.org] to get more information on the project