Contact and About Me


Spenser Widin

7801 Titan Drive

Antelope, CA 95843

Phone: (916) 726-1400 ext. 6208

*email is the preferred method of contact

About Me:

Hello, My names is Spenser Widin and I am a Biology and AP Environmental Science Teacher at Antelope High School. Here's a little about me:

I attended California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo where I received my Bachelor's degree in Field and Wildlife Biology. Prior to becoming a teacher I have held various different jobs in the professional Biology field. I have been a threatened and endangered species monitor, a biological consultant, and unrelated to biology an adventure tour guide. During my career experience I have applied my biological knowledge in a variety of settings such as avian surveys, plant surveys, environmental impact monitoring and my favorite, small mammal trapping. I'd be more than happy to share any stories with you, so as to enrich your education and open your eyes to the possibilities a career in science can open for you. You just have to ask!

Outside of the classroom I love to enjoy all that nature has to offer. You will likely find me hiking up in the mountains, exploring the various rivers in the area, camping, birding, snowboarding and golfing. I look forward to our semester together, and hope you come out loving science as much as I do!