My Story

From me to you. From you to me.

Storytelling is paramount in the establishment of culture. For ages, telling stories amongst the group has been the mode by which history is passed down through generations. Whether these stories are told through written word, cinematic creation, or simply around the campfire amongst friends; stories remind us of those that have come before us. In that, they also remind us of who we are.

Each of us, every last one of us, has a story. Where we come from. Where we are going. What our days look like. Our loves. Our wants. Our dreams. But, do we really take the time to listen to those stories? Analyze them?

So often, we rush through life not taking time to learn about each other. From this craze, this haste, comes misunderstanding. When we take the time to stop, sit, and listen; a whole new world of possibilities, new friendships, and new connections come to light.

Meet Our Tigers.

We are RHS - Google Slides (4).webm

Roseville High School Counselor, Mrs. Crone, takes us on a journey through her life, giving us a testimonial as to who she is! Thank you, Mrs. Crone!

Our counselor, Mrs. Munoz tells us about her story. We discover her heritage and her immense pride in being a strong Mexican-American woman. The things we can learn when we listen to each other's stories are priceless.

My Story…

Valarie Erb and the RHS Peer Helpers share with us their stories. What makes them who they are!? We thank them for taking the time to share with us. The Peer Helping program is instrumental in the establishment of the RHS culture of belonging.

Diego Heredia shares with us his story and reminds us that culture is at the core of who we are. It should be celebrated. All cultures should be celebrated. Thank you, Diego!

“My story”

By: Diego Heredia

My name is Diego Heredia I am a student at Roseville high school. I am a second generation mexican american. My Grandparents migrated from Mexico to the United States in hopes of giving their families a better quality of life and future. And in that my grandparents succeeded and gave my parents a chance to be successful. My parents took that chance and became successful. My Mom is now a school counselor and my Dad is a code enforcer. I have many values and passions in my life like soccer, family, school, and friends. But, one of my biggest values is my culture ever since I was a child. My Mom has taught me to love my culture and embrace it. I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for my parents' love for their culture and their passion to pass on this love for culture to their children. I believe that everyone should embrace their culture and be proud of where they come from. This is my story.