Lego Robotics

Core Values | Innovative Thinking | Coding & Design| Robot Competition

Lego Robotics is a robotics competition where teams of 2-10 students design, build, and code Lego robots to accomplish various missions on a tabletop arena. Teams are scored in the areas of core values, innovative thinking, coding and design as well as their point totals in the robot game. Awards are given for individual areas, while teams who thrive in all areas are named tournament winners and advance to higher levels of competition. There are opportunities to participate in both the Fall and Spring semesters and the program is open to 5th-8th grade students at Riverside STEM Academy. Some students will participate for a fun learning experience, while others may be more competitive and put in more time and effot. This program experience trains and prepares students for robotics competition opportunities at the high school level.

Information & Resources

Coordinator       |       Joshua Zonker -