Counselor's Office (Bitmoji)

Need to talk to a Counselor?

Talk to a Sierra Middle Counselor Today! They can help with your schedule, classes, teachers, having an issue? They can help!

Hello PRIME Time Students

On May 3rd 2022, Sierra Middle School held a Parent Night to welcome any and all incoming 7th graders and their Parents. Those of you who showed up had the opportunity to "Save A Spot" for the incoming year by writing in the Students First and Last Name, ID Lunch #, the best Email that is checked consistently, and a Phone # that you can check voicemails on. For the 50+ parents who signed up on the Interest List for PRIME Time, you will have the 1st MONTH to turn in the application.

**The moment I get the application for this school year, I will send a MASS EMAIL to all who signed up. Your Student is NOT accepted until we receive the Application Fully COMPLETED**

Mrs. Thrower WILL NOT ADD NAMES TO THE 'SAVE-A-SPOT LIST'. Any names added will be on the "Wait List". Our max number of spots available is 135.

You can email me at: