Riverside Unified School District 's Expanded Learning Program, PRIMETime (Middle school) offers a safe environment in which academic support, enrichment activities and social emotional development occur every day

Parent and Student agree to abide by PRIMEtime rules, Early Release policy, agreements and procedures, including but not limited to: follow all school rules, program personnel instructions, and program enrollment criteria.

In order to get the most out of the program we recommend students attend daily with check out times at 4:00pm, 5:00pm, and 6:00pm.

The program will take place each school day from the close of the regular school day until 6 p.m.

Parent/guardian agrees any dismissal before 6 pm requires an early release reason; the box with a reason must be marked at student's dismissal. Repeated late pick-ups, misconduct, or failure to meet minimum attendance requirements may result in the dismissal of the student from the program. 

For safety reasons, students being picked up must be signed out by a parent, guardian, or emergency contact from AERIES

Students with permission to walk home will be released twenty-five minutes prior to sunset. No student is allowed to sign themselves out to walk without parent consent or after dark.  

Pick up for PRIMEtime will take in front of the school by the parking lot and front office.

Dismissal Times




If there is no one at the gate when you come for pick up please call the PRIMEtime cell phone: 951-539-9625

Make sure to let us know your student's first and last name and have valid identification ready every day.

For any questions or concerns you may contact me through the PRIMEtime cell during program hours or through email at before or after program hours.   

Copy of 24-25 No Phone Zone Poster .pdf