
Booster and parent organizations are composed of parents, community members, and staff members coming together for the purpose of supporting specific school activities for the benefit of students, such as athletic teams, debate teams, and musical groups. Such groups are commonly referred to as school-connected organizations. They are an important means of connecting parents and other community members with the curricular and co-curricular activities of students.



Booster Club Workshop 2024

Internal Revenue Service

www.irs.gov - has a tab for charities and nonprofits with a huge amount of information and guidelines for nonprofit organizations. 

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

www.cdtfa.ca.gov - for information on sales permits and taxes.  Publication 18 specifically applies to nonprofit orgs. 

Franchise Tax Board

www.ftb.ca.gov - has information about CA tax exemption law.

Office of the Attorney General

www.oag.ca.gov/charities - guides and resources for fundraising in California.

National Council of Non-profits

www.councilofnonprofits.org - has a ton of information about nonprofits.