Staff Meeting #1: 9/28/2022

Our first staff meeting took place on September 28th.

Below you can review the agenda as well as a summary of the information discussed and determined during that meeting.

During our first meeting, the committee reviewed the goal, the application process, and the criteria (noted on the overview page of this site),

The committee then reviewed the components of a Blue Ribbon program (directly from the application process), discussed first steps and priorities, and decided which four areas from the listing below to select as our initial targets.

Components of a “Blue Ribbon” Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Program

  • Excellence in practice of how learning standards are addressed, instructional approaches, formative/summative assessment, use of data to analyze and improve student performance

    • Reading/language arts

    • Mathematics

    • Science

    • Social Studies

  • College and Career Readiness

    • Effective dual credit programs, college prep classes, CTE classes, apprenticeship opportunities

    • Student leadership, community/civic responsibilities, entrepreneurship, work-based learning

  • Pre-School

    • Strong core curriculum and alignment of early childhood/K-3 standards

    • Identifying impact on early school readiness

  • How Other Areas Support Student Growth

    • The Arts

    • Physical Education

    • Foreign Languages

    • Tech/Media

    • Other

  • Academic Supports - Tailoring instruction, interventions, and assessments to diverse, individual needs

    • Actions taken to close achievement gaps

    • Subgroups including at-risk students, below grade level students, above grade level students, students with disabilities, English Language Learners

Components of a “Blue Ribbon” School Climate and Culture

  • Student Engagement

    • Schools engage, motivate, and provide student with a positive environment that supports academic, social, and emotional growth

  • Family/Community Engagement

    • Strategies for involving families and community for student success and school improvement

    • Community partnerships

  • Professional Culture

    • Create an environment where teachers feel valued and supported

      • Professional Development Approach

      • Impact on the capacity of the team

  • School Leadership - How does leadership ensure that policies, programs, relationships, and resources focus on student achievement?

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning - Tailoring instruction, interventions, and assessments to diverse, individual needs

    • How do we address diverse needs and backgrounds of students, families, and staff

    • How do we ensure equity, cultural awareness, and respect

    • Supports provided to students, staff, and/or families

From this listing we identified our initial priorities as a district:

  • Excellence in practice of how learning standards are addressed, instructional approaches, formative/summative assessment, use of data to analyze and improve student performance

  • Academic Supports - Tailoring instruction, interventions, and assessments to diverse, individual needs

  • Student Engagement

  • Professional Culture

For each of these priorities the committee brainstormed SEVERAL ideas to start working on. Not every idea is immediately feasible, due to staffing and/or budget limitations within the current year, but all can work as a legitimate starting off point for continued progress.

Based on that work, here are our possible first steps, which will be discussed and mapped out by the next committee in firm detail.

Excellence in Practice - How learning standards are addressed, instructional approaches, formative/summative assessment, use of data to analyze and improve student performance

Increase horizonal articulation, co-planning, and shared resources to improve formative/summative assessments and data, but also to maximize output and consistency without repeating efforts.

Review and refine the continuum across grade levels through vertical articulation, specifically focusing on common language and expectations.

Research ways to more efficiently/effectively identify learning gaps and then fill in those gaps across grade levels, specifically within the standard classroom (Tier 1 supports and interventions).

Review and (as needed) redefine the scope and sequence to prioritize skills/standards so that we can focus on the progress we need to make. (Review and use priority standards identified by NJDOE).

Academic Supports - Tailoring instruction, interventions, and assessments to diverse, individual needs

Research ways to more efficiently/effectively identify learning gaps and then fill in those gaps across grade levels, both within the standard classroom and throughout the extended multi-tier system of supports (Tier 1, 2, & 3 supports and interventions).

Improve our use of "just in time" teaching as opposed to "just in case" teaching to provide targeted Tier 1 interventions only when needed and for whom needed.

While we cannot currently hire more aides to be ELL aides that could provide more ELL support in inclusive classrooms, we can research available trainings to assist our existing aides so they are more prepared to support our ELL students in class.

Explore ways to translate our report cards and better communicate academic activities, progress, and challenges for our ELL students (and better communicate for all to get more home support).

Student Engagement

Integrate more Social Emotional Learning directly into the school day and classroom (utilizing Move This World) to keep students energized, positive, and well all day.

Create / facilitate more academic challenges and assemblies to honor students who are growing and achieving and celebrate our successes and progress.

Examine our existing afterschool clubs (and long-term our electives) to make sure that we are serving all of our students needs and interests. (YouCount)

Research and facilitate ways to engage students in varied grade levels and content areas- instructional strategies, grouping strategies, integrate student choice, etc.

Implement increased school spirit activities- Spirit Days, Mascot Activities, Trips, Renaissance, YouCount, etc.

Professional Culture

Use Professional Development Surveys to gather feedback on professional learning opportunities- identify what is working, what is needed, what is of interest.

Seek to implement more relevant, immersive training on Culturally Responsive Practices and in general.

Figure out how to make, find, and maximize TIME. There is not enough time to articulate and plan together (once a week as a dream goal) per team. How do we find/make time to make all of this happen?

Staff Learn a 2nd Language Together. Could we coordinate staff access to a language learning program (Spanish, Portuguese especially) and build competitions for staff to make it fun for them to learn a 2nd language.