
Senior Pastor Report

By Pastor Dave Horrocks

Well 2020 was certainly an interesting year. It started fairly normally. We shifted Pastor Brett DaFoe from the Youth Pastor position to the Family Ministry Pastor position. The goal was to allow him to gradually shift into the new role, so that as we went into September 2020, Pastor Brett would be in charge of that portfolio entirely.

The Board of Elders and the Congregation made the decision to give me a month's sabbatical in June of 2020. I developed a plan that allowed for learning, refreshment and future strategy. Things were on track until the middle of March 2020. Then...Covid!

Covid changed everything. When the new Covid restrictions were announced, we immediately switched to holding services exclusively online, using Facebook as our platform. We chose Facebook Live and included "Coffee Chat" to intentionally attempt as best we can community and fellowships - which is one of the best parts of River of Hope Church. Pastor Brett’s worked hard to allow for the more difficult interactions and communication and connections due to the Covid restrictions. We also suspended my sabbatical and most holiday time to ensure that what connection we did have would continue.

As restrictions eased, we made the decision to return to a combined model, where we would continue to hold online services but also allow for people to return to the building. This lasted until December when, once again, restrictions ramped up and we decided to close the building once again.

It feels like we are in a bit of a holding pattern as we struggle to move through this time of not being able to meet and connect. I have spoken to many of you and though we are all in the same boat, we still are striving to maintain a sense of Church and all that entails.

The church has been very faithful in continuing to support this ministry, and for that the Board of Elders, myself and Pastor Brett are very grateful. We have been helping people as they come forward and will continue to do so. The goal in helping is not to add to our church attendance but simply to be a place that people can turn to in their time of need.

In late June, Maureen made the difficult decision after 25 years of involvement in Children's and Family Ministry, to step aside as our Children’s Ministry Director. She continues to be an integral part of the leadership of the church and has been essential in coordinating upcoming activities as well as conceiving, arranging and coordinating the packages that were sent out to the families during the summer and our Christmas packages in December.

I know that as a husband, I could not ask for a better partner in life, ministry and marriage than Maureen. She is my best friend. I truly would be lost without her upbeat, reassuring, loving support and leadership in my life and at River of Hope. I know how lucky I am, and we are, to have her. She designs the slides for all services, she designs the banners for the roadside sign, she does the media and all the announcement loops, she puts up with me (no small task I am sure you are aware), and helps to balance me in all things. Thank you, my love.

I would also like to thank Jen and Andrew Smith, who are not only amazing neighbors, but they both stepped up into leadership positions when we needed them. When Jesse Horrocks took a new position at a different church, we required a new Tech Lead and Andrew graciously stepped up. Jen Smith began taking on new leadership roles in Children's Ministry over the past couple of years and confidently stepped into the role in the Fall.

Our prayers are that God will continue to reveal himself to us in so many ways. I invite all of our congregation to prayerfully consider how we might strengthen our connections and care for each other during this time.

My daily life has changed in some ways, though I incorporate reading and daily devotional time into my work schedule, I also have added a strong prayer component, during which I pray for each member of the church. I would invite anyone to let me know if you have specific prayer requests and I will add them to my daily and weekly prayers.

We have started a new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, this will take us through the ministry season, lasting until July. These powerful, instructive words of Jesus, can and do change us, and how we approach all aspects of our lives.

Preaching is one of the most challenging and rewarding things that any person can be asked to do. It involves a great deal of work and research, it also exposes the individual (and often their families) to the risk of Spiritual attack. I would invite you all to pray for whoever is speaking on a given week and to offer your positive feedback wherever possible.

Brett DaFoe has been on staff for little over 3 years now. Brett and family (Ashley, Elliot, Theodore and Odette) have been a great addition to the church and I am looking forward to 2021 with Brett at the helm of our Family Ministry team, as we continue to refine and redefine what Family Ministry looks like in this decade, and at this time of Covid. Brett will also speak monthly, so please keep him and his family in your prayers.

A personal thank you to the Board of Elders, without their help I could not continue to do this job. Their steadfast leadership and guidance, not to mention their friendship is a constant reassurance to me. I feel their protection and prayers and support at all times, they also ask pertinent and probing questions at meetings and take their role as caretakers of this community of faith seriously. They are amazing people.

I would also like to thank my River of Hope family for your support. My family and I feel loved and supported. Your prayers and encouragement have helped me. I am proud to be your Pastor and am excited for what God has in store for us in the coming years.

May God Bless and keep each one of you, this year, this decade and into the future.

Dave Horrocks