
to 5R!

Welcome to 5 Rosenbloom!

Welcome to the 2021/2022 school year! This year will continue to be about adapting, being flexible, and having fun. While navigating this year together, I look forward to getting to know all of your students and building our classroom community.

This year, we will continue to use both online and hands- on manipulatives, to help us navigate math problems. Using math manipulatives, such as, volume cubes, fraction strips, tangrams, and base ten sets are imperative to understanding this year's math problems. It is important to understand WHY, and not just how to get the correct answer.

Science is about exploring and being hands on. Science is everywhere; through research, current events, and observation activities we will be uncovering our questions and displaying our critical thinking skills through our Interactive Science Notebooks .

I look forward to building our class community; a safe place where we can discuss our accomplishments, our excitements, and even our fears. My ears are always open to listen, and I hope you always know you can come to me with anything.

It is time to welcome the 2021-2021 school year! Here we go.......