Learning from Home

New Learning! To support whanau and tamariki to learn during lockdown, I will upload new learning for reading, writing, maths and topic throughout the duration of level 4 and 3.

Remember! you can also join our class Facebook page by typing in 'Waihirere 2021' or by clicking the facebook link below.

Nga mihinui

Level 2 Back to

School this Thursday!

Lockdown 4 is here again and this time we are ready!...So settle in at home, be safe and well with your whanau!

What does this mean for learning? well no matter where you are, learning will continue...

How? For those of you who have access to devices at home, learning will be placed on our class site. The other option is that learning packs will be sent out once we hear from the Ministry of Education.

What next? For now, stay safe and wait for an update from us as to what will happen as we receive updates from the Ministry of Education and Health.

Be safe

Nga mihi Koka Karla