
Yasuhiro Higashitani, Principal

Welcome to the Rits Super Global Forum 2023!

Greetings to all the inspired young minds from across the globe. We are delighted to host the 10th Rits Super Global Forum.  Being with so many brilliant and eager minds is a true pleasure. It is such an honor for Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School to have you here with us for this event completely in person this year.

The RSGF is not just about identifying problems, but envisioning solutions. As future leaders, you are tasked with the major role of not only navigating these challenges but also creating a more just and harmonious world.

Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of this year’s forum. By unraveling the threads of Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Disability, and Biodiversity, we aim to foster an environment that not only respects but celebrates differences. As we engage in these important discussions, remember the power of unity in diversity. Embrace diverse perspectives, for it is through these lenses that we'll craft holistic solutions to the world's most pressing problems.

The journey of RSGF, an international student conference coordinated by Ritsumeikan, has been to encourage cross-cultural exchanges and discussions. It's a celebration of diversity and shared aspirations. As you immerse yourselves in this experience, I implore you to listen, respect, and engage with every voice, every idea, and every dream.

Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the principals, educators, and countless supporters who have made RSGF 2023 a reality. Your collaboration is shaping the next generation of global thinkers and leaders. Let's forge connections that transcend borders and craft solutions that echo across generations.

Sae Murasugi, Students' Committee Representative of RSGF 2023

Hello, I am Sae Murasugi, the student representative of RSGF 2023. I would like to thank all the faculty and staff who have helped us to organize this year’s RSGF, as well as the executive committee members who have been preparing for this event for more than half a year. Your hard work has made this event possible.

This year’s RSGF is not only a milestone of the 10th RSGF but also our return to a face-to-face format after three years of online or hybrid formats. We are looking forward to presenting you with a more powerful experience this year.

Our theme this year is Diversity & Inclusion. Over the next five days, I encourage you to think about what you can do and what kind of changemakers you can become in a society where ideas and preferences are becoming increasingly diverse. Understandably, some discussions might be challenging due to the broad theme of diversity and inclusion. While thinking about people different from us is an initial step, a true understanding of diversity and inclusion goes beyond that.

If you face any challenges in discussions, I encourage you to reflect on your role in promoting inclusion and diversity and try to find a way to overcome the difficulty. Sometimes you may not know what to say, so don’t hesitate to ask those around you for guidance. It is my hope that we will learn more about diversity and inclusion through the conversations and collaborations here at RSGF.

In the process of creating this year’s RSGF, I have encountered many different people with a diversity of ideas and beliefs. From this, I have reconsidered many positions and beliefs I once had. I appreciate how they challenged me to think more about inclusivity and diversity. I hope this RSGF will be one of the new learning opportunities for you as well, and that it will lead to a brighter future for all of us.