ASSIGNMENT #3: lost in translation

Claude Shannon, Schematic diagram of a general communication system (1949).

Create a system by which a carefully-selected and personally meaningful set of data is translated to a physical object using Processing to generate vector graphics paths and the laser cutter to output these paths to the physical world. Consider how this act of translation affects perception of the data, and the ways in which it makes meaning for your piece.

As in Assignment #2, you may wish to import the paths generated in NodeBox into Adobe Illustrator for basic tasks such as cropping, color mapping, etc. but Processing should remain your primary tool for generating the paths that will be output.

The resulting work can be presented as a three-dimensional object or may reside within a two-dimensional picture plane.

Upload all files used to create your work + photographic documentation of the piece as a .zip file to the Google Drive Folder below by Thursday, January 19 at 12:59pm.

Upload here:

Please adhere to the naming convention