How to Enroll

Are you at least 14 ½ years or older?

Does your athletic and/or work schedule allow you the necessary time to commit to the class?

If so, proceed to the Step-by-Step process to enroll in Driver Education 

Step by Step Process

Step #1

Step #2

Step #3

 Jefferson DMV List of Requirements 

Step #4

Step #5

What Happens Next

Once you have filled out the online enrollment form:

Enrolling in the class is on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is a seat available in the class, you will receive an email from Mrs. Buttars inviting you to join the class on Google Classroom, as well as the class information.

If the class is full, you will be invited to attend the next class.

Note: We are happy to accept out-of-district students; however, Ririe students will be given priority


Approximately 10 days before the class begins, all enrolled students and/or their parents will receive an invitation to the mandatory Student & Parent Orientation for the class. This orientation will immediately follow class on the first day. All students and at least one parent/legal guardian must attend. Anyone student who fails to attend or is not accompanied by a parent/legal guardian will be dropped from the class, unless prior arrangements have been made.