
Featured Authors

Cartoon making is super fun!  Here is a link to a cartoonist that is uploading fun cartoons to make:

Jarrett Lerner

I would like give all kids that same superpower, which is why I've started offering FREE writing classes for students online. Please tell your students to join me every M/W/F on my Instagram Live (https://www.instagram.com/kellyyanghk/) from 12:00pm-12:30pm PST/ 3:00pm - 3:30pm EST. My free online class is suitable for tweens and teens. In my Instagram Live sessions, they'll be able to interact with me and ask me questions. Every lesson, I will talk about a different writing skill, such as how to craft memorable characters, how to write scenes, how to show not tell, how to write dialogue, etc. I will also cover essay writing and expository writing. 

Writing with Ann Braden