Titles, Abstracts and Slides


March 14 (Thu)

Tokiro Numasawa (ISSP, University of Tokyo)  [PDF (5.2MB)]

Title:  Gauging spacetime inversions

Abstract: Spacetime inversion symmetries such as parity and time reversal play a central role in physics, but they are usually treated as global symmetries.  In quantum gravity there are no global symmetries, so any spacetime inversion symmetries must be gauge symmetries.  In particular this includes CRT symmetry (in even dimensions usually combined with a rotation to become CPT), which in quantum field theory is always a symmetry and seems likely to be a symmetry of quantum gravity as well. 
In this talk, we will discuss what it means to gauge a spacetime inversion symmetry and explain some of the more unusual consequences of doing this.  In particular, I will argue that the gauging of CRT is automatically implemented by the sum over topologies in the Euclidean gravity path integral, that in a closed universe the Hilbert space of quantum gravity must be a real vector space, and that in Lorentzian signature manifolds which are not time-orientable must be included as valid configurations of the theory. 

Ryosuke Kodera (Chiba University)

Title:  Affine (super) Yangians and W-(super)algebras in AGT correspondence

Abstract: The speaker and Mamoru Ueda have constructed surjective algebra homomorphisms from the affine Yangians to the W-algebras associated with rectangular nilpotent elements both in type A (arXiv:2107.00780).  The same method also applies to the super setting.  In this talk, I will explain our results and the motivation as below.
Our work is motivated by a variant of Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa (AGT) correspondence. It predicts that the W-algebras associated with nilpotent elements of type A act on the cohomology groups of the moduli spaces of instantons (a.k.a. affine Laumon spaces).  Furthermore, it is expected that such actions may be obtained through the affine Yangians.   The super case is related to a conjecture recently formulated by Butson-Rapcak, which predicts that the quiver Yangians and certain vertex algebras act on the cohomology groups of the moduli spaces of perverse coherent extensions on various toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds.

Hidetoshi Awata (Nagoya University)

Title:  On q-BPZ equation for q-Virasoro algebra

Abstract: We discuss on the q-BPZ type equation for the q-Virasoro algebra, which was found by Sh. Shakilov in arXiv:2111.07939. This talk is based on the papers arXiv:2211.16772 and arXiv:2309.15364.

March 15 (Fri)

Kohei Iwaki (University of Tokyo)   [PDF (1.4MB)]

Title:  Topological recursion, Painlevé tau-function and resurgence

Abstract: I will propose a conjectural statement on a resurgence property of topological recursion partition function associated with an elliptic curve.  The claim is based on 

(i) a relation between the topological recursion and the Painlevé tau-function, 

(ii) the exact WKB analysis of the isomonodromic quantum curve.  

This talk is based on a joint work with Marcos Mariño: arXiv:2307.02080 [hep-th].

Jie Gu (Southeast University, China)   [PDF (1.2MB)]

Title:  Resurgent structures of free energies and Wilson loops in topological string

Abstract: Perturbative series in topological string theory, such as perturbative free energies and perturbative Wilson loops, can be computed to higher orders. They also have non-perturbative corrections, and the resurgence theory predicts that they can be encoded in trans-series, and furthermore they control the perturbative series via Stokes transformations.  Based on the previous results of Couso-Santamaria et.al., we solve the non-perturbative trans-series for both free energies and Wilson loops exactly through a trans-series extension of the BCOV holomorphic anomaly equations. We also give strong evidence that the Stokes constants associated to the Stokes transformations are identified with BPS/DT invariants.  

Yu Nakayama (YITP, Kyoto University)   [PDF (517KB)]

Title:  The fate of non-supersymmetric Gross-Neveu-Yukawa fixed point in two dimensions

Abstract: It is well known that the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa model has a supersymmetric fixed point in d=3 and d=2.  The latter is believed to be described by the (fermionic) (4,5) minimal model.  It is less known but the same model has a non-supersymmetric fixed point in 4-ε dimensions.  What does it correspond to in d=2?  (This question was addressed in a paper by Klabanov, and it was my greatest pleasure to have discussed it with him at one of  the series of this annual workshop in 2017.)  We use the recently developed renormalization group constraint from topological defect lines (a.k.a. Verlinde lines or non-invertible symmetries) to find candidates.  The talk is based on the collaboration with Ken Kikuchi.