RIH Summer Learning Academy 2022

RIH Summer Learning Academy

The Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District is excited to offer the following weeklong sessions across several content areas. These sessions are aimed to provide students with hands-on in-person learning experiences, skill review and reinforcement, and performance-based opportunities that address learning needs due to the disruptions caused by COVID. Each session is held over 4 days in the assigned week, with some sessions being offered multiple times over the five weeks of the Summer Learning Academy Program. All sessions are taught by the District's highly qualified staff and open to Ramapo Indian Hills students, only, free of charge. Sessions are also open for registered incoming freshmen.

Registration Information

  • Each session requires at least 5 students to run and has a maximum capacity of 18 students - Capacities are limited!

  • Interested participants can fill out the registration form linked on the pages below.

  • A valid and current parent/guardian email address is required with the registration process. All email correspondence from the District will take place through the submitted parent/guardian email address from the RIH Curriculum Office (curriculumoffice@rih.org).

  • Completion of the registration form does not guarantee a spot in the requested session. A separate email will be sent back to the parent / guardian from curriculumoffice@rih.org confirming the student's enrollment OR waitlist status into the requested session.

  • The first round of enrollment / wait list notification emails will be sent to parent / guardians on Monday, June 20th. Subsequent enrollment / wait list notifications will be sent after June 20th with updated information. A student's enrollment status will not change once enrolled in a session unless the session is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event a session is cancelled, an email will be sent to the parent / guardian.

Change to the Registration Process

The district is moving to a rolling enrollment process for the summer sessions according to the following schedule. Please take note as the deadline for the first two sessions is Friday, July 1st.

  • July 1 - Deadline for the July 11th and July 18th sessions registration

  • July 8 - Deadline for the July 25th session registration

  • July 15 - Deadline for August 1st session registration

  • July 22 - Deadline for August 8th session registration

Emails confirming enrollment and that the summer session will indeed run will be sent on the following dates:

  • Week of July 11th sessions: Final email confirmations sent on July 1st

  • Week of July 18th sessions: Final email confirmations sent on July 1st

  • Week of July 25th sessions: Final email confirmations sent on July 12th

  • Week of August 1st Sessions: Final email confirmations sent on July 19th

  • Week of August 8th Sessions: Final email confirmations sent on July 26th

Please keep us informed of any changes to your enrollment status by emailing curriculumoffice@rih.org.

Session Descriptions and Registration Links

Week of 7/11 | Week of 7/18 | Week of 7/25 | Week of 8/1 | Week of 8/8

Session Listing by Content Area and Weekly Offerings

Computer Sci & Technology

  • Coding
    (Weeks of 7/18, 7/25)

  • Tech Bootcamp and Showcase
    (Weeks of 8/1, 8/8)


  • So You Made it to High School: How to navigate your Freshman Year
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18)


  • Writing Basics
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18, 8/1, 8/8)

  • English 9 Bootcamp
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/25, 8/1)

  • English 10 Bootcamp
    (Weeks of 7/25, 8/1)

  • Language Development and Proficiency (ELLs)
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18)

  • Reading, Writing, and Connections to History
    (Week of 8/1)

  • Creative Writing: Calling all Storytellers!
    (Weeks of 7/18, 7/25)


  • Pre-algebra Skills
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18)

  • Algebra 1 Bootcamp
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/8)

  • Geometry Bootcamp
    (Weeks of 7/18, 7/25, 8/1)

  • Algebra 2 Bootcamp
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8)


  • Science Skills and Experimentation
    (Weeks of 7/18, 7/25)

  • Scientific Writing and Lab Reports
    (Week of 7/11)

  • Plants
    (Weeks of 7/18, 7/25)

Visual and Performing Arts

  • Accelerated Art
    (Weeks of 8/1, 8/8)

  • Creating Art through Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/18)

  • Digital Arts
    (Week of 7/25)

  • Digital Photography
    (Weeks of 7/11, 8/1)

  • Theater
    (Weeks of 7/11, 7/25)

World Language

  • Level Up! for French
    (Week of 8/1)

  • Level Up! for Spanish
    (Weeks of 8/1, 8/8)

Session Descriptions and Registration Links

Week of 7/11 | Week of 7/18 | Week of 7/25 | Week of 8/1 | Week of 8/8