Strategic Planning Process


The district mailed postcards to every residence in Ridgewood to provide the community with background information on the strategic planning initiative. The postcard invited all stakeholders to engage in this initiative by completing a community survey and attending a public information session.

Strategic Planning postcard, front.pdf
Community Postcard (front)
Postcard, back.pdf
Community Postcard (back)
Strategic Planning flyer.pdf
Strategic Planning Flyer

Who Was Involved

At the beginning of this process, a Strategic Planning Steering Committee was formed, and a diverse group of stakeholders was invited to serve on the Strategic Planning Council. Led by the TMI Education facilitators, these groups actively engaged in the Strategic Planning Initiative. Their thoughtful examination of the district in the areas of learning, teaching, culture, community, and governance resulted in authentic feedback. The input of these the Steering Committee and the Council was instrumental in the development of the structure and overarching goals of the Vision 2024 Strategic Plan.

Steering Committee
Steering Committee Members
Strategic Planning Council
Council Members

Strategic Planning Initiative Presentations

TMI Education facilitators began each session with a brief presentation to provide an overview of the goals and a framework for collaborative activities and group discussion.

Steering Committee Intro (3.19.19)
Strategic Planning Steering Committee Introduction - March 19, 2019
Community Overview, 4.2.2019
Strategic Planning Council Information Session - April 2, 2019
RPS Council Session 1, Creating a New Vision, 4.23.2019
Strategic Planning Council Session 1 - April 23, 2019
RPS Council Session 2, Gap Analysis, 5.8.2019
Strategic Planning Council Session 2 - May 8, 2019

Strategic Plan Board Presentations

Stacie Poelstra, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment presented "Visions 2024 - Shaping Ridgewood's Strategic Plan" to the Board of Education on October 7, 2019.

Copy of Vision 2024 Presentation
Vision 2024 Presentation to the Board of Education on October 7, 2019
Strategic Plan.mp4
Video Clip of the Vision 2024 Presentation to the Board of Education on October 7, 2019