
Welcome to RHS! As you get to know your teachers you will see that different teachers feel comfortable with different tech tools. Below are some that you may see in some of your classes. All these tools are here to help your teacher help you in the areas of language acquisition. Good luck!

  • LingtClassroom: Teachers may use this to help with your speaking and pronunciation.
  • Google Drive: Teachers will use Google Drive with Classroom. Make sure you start the year off with an organized Google Drive.
  • Socrative: teachers may create an assortment of polls and quizzes using this tool.
  • Quizlet: Learning in your hands! Continuously assess spelling and pronunciation, while increasing their typing skills too! Join the Middle School transition class.
  • VoiceThread: With this photo based web tool your teacher will help you increase your verbal fluency. You may also use this tools for assessments.
  • Kahoot, Quizlet Live, Quizzizz: Interactive game that will put your skills to the test.