
Host families make the magic in this unique experience!  When you open your home to a French student, you allow a teenager the opportunity to see American life firsthand.  As he or she follows your student to classes, in after school activities, and participates in your family activities on the weekend, they make unforgettable memories living in the culture they have been studying about for years.

The tentative dates for hosting are October 11-22, 2024.  Exact dates to be finalized soon.

Arrival & Departure

The group from France will arrive at RHS.  Host families will pick up and drop off at the high school (no trips to the airport required).

Home Expectations

A separate bedroom is required for the student.  If you don't have a spare bedroom, your child can give up their bedroom for the stay.  Families are expected to provide all meals for the student. French students will shadow RHS students throughout the school day.


RHS students are expected to include the French student in their social plans.  Families are welcome to plan day trips for the group (but this is not required).  When planning social events, it is expected that all of the French students will be included.

Optional activities (some popular weekend ideas):