ESL Program
English as a Second Language
The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program prepares students with limited English proficiency for full-time participation in the regular educational program. Its primary goal is to ensure that English Language Learners develop sufficient fluency in all areas of English to facilitate their active participation in all academic courses and school activities. The program, delivered through small group instruction by a certified ESL teacher, focuses on grade-level academic content and skills introduced through the use of materials appropriate to language proficiency levels. While developing their oral and written communication skills, students receive support in the mastery of curriculum content from their social studies, science, mathematics and other courses. Students’ mainstream courses are planned on an individual basis in response to individual language needs and personal interests. Eligibility for the English as a Second Language Program is determined by scores on the WIDA-APT. Students’ English proficiency and growth are monitored frequently using a variety of formal and informal assessments. Students will exit the program based on a variety of criteria including, but not limited to, teacher recommendation, State of NJ WIDA-ACCESS score, and grades in core content courses.
ESL – English as a Second Language (0104FL)
This course provides newly arrived, non-English speaking students with a basic introduction to English. It offers intensive practice and support in the development of listening and speaking skills, vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension. Students are “eased” into the American culture. ESL enables the student to become language proficient and achieve in mainstream classes. Enrollment in ESL classes may last six months to three years. English credit will be awarded upon successful completion of this course.
ESL – Advanced English as a Second Language (0104FL3)
This course provides more advanced level second language learners with an introduction to high level writing instruction, including how to write academic, literary and persuasive essays and how to use more complex grammatical structures, such as advanced verb tenses. It offers intensive practice and support in the development of discussion and debating skills based on reading comprehension of more complex books and articles. Students listen to authentic audio materials and discuss current issues that relate to content areas. English credit will be awarded upon successful completion of this course.
High Intensity ESL (0104L2)
This support course allows students extra time to complete their work for content area classes and to receive assistance from a certified ESL teacher. The teacher in this class interacts with content teachers to understand what is due and what is required for various assignments, then offers language support to complete the work that has been assigned. Students can complete tests and quizzes in addition to homework in High Intensity ESL and can receive assistance with the complex vocabulary and writing requirements, which are particularly challenging for second language learners.
English as a Second Language Integration Program (ESLIP) (0104L4)
Designed as a “port of entry” course for new students registered in a non-English speaking native language, ESLIP would offer participants an opportunity to more easily access Social Studies state sanctioned curriculum and accrue Social Studies credit (either World or United States History). Building student vocabulary and comprehension skills using a thematic approach within a more appropriate curriculum pacing guideline, the ESLIP instructor will support English language learners to communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.