Our 2022-2023 Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

M, Tu, Th, F

8:45-9:00- Morning Routine

9:05-9:30-Morning Meeting and Calendar

9:30-10:10-Phonics/ Phonemic Awareness


10:35-11:35- WIN (What I Need/Literacy Rotations

11:35-12:40-Literacy Block

12:40-1:00- Lunch (building A)

1:00-1:20- Recess (building A playground)

1:20-1:30- Read Aloud

1:30-2:20-Math and Math Rotations

2:20-2:30-Clean up/pack up

2:30-3:00-Library with Roth (Monday)

2:30-3:30- Art with Guldin (Tuesday), Music with Bloom (Thursday and Friday)

3:00-3:30-Science/Social Studies (Monday)


Daily Schedule

Wednesdays (except 1st and last Wednesday of the year)

9:45-10:10- Morning Routine


10:35-11:05- Morning meeting/calendar

11:05-12:40 Literacy Block

12:40-1:00- Lunch (building A)

1:00-1:20- Recess (building A playground)

1:20-1:30- Read Aloud

1:30-2:20-Math and Math Rotations

2:20-3:20-Social Studies/Science

3:20-3:30- Clean up/ Pack up
