Creative Writing

Welcome to Creative Writing!

This is a senior course dedicated to introducing students to the art of creative writing. Students will be critiquing a variety of short stories, poetry, essays, & novels, in order to identify literary devices, understand the craft of writing, & be inspired as they craft their own work. They will be working in a variety of genres including: memoirs, dramatic works, poetry, fantasy/sci-fi, short fiction, fairy tales, creative nonfiction, film study, multimedia creation, art based writing, & more. Students will also have an opportunity to help get the RHS newspaper published, and learn about the process of editing submitted work through peer review. Throughout the year, students will also be keeping a daily writing journal as a creative outlet, & a way to demonstrate their mastery of the standards throughout the year.

Check out the syllabus link to learn about expectations, grading, late work policies, and more.

Creative Writing Syllabus