
Class norms and expecations

Class expectations and norms

established by Mrs. McCoy and students

TBD: Mrs. McCoy and her students are still working to establish our shared expectations and norms

Expectation Violations

Lab Policy: I expect you to follow all lab rules. It is very important for all students to have a safe environment for conducting labs. Students who choose not to follow these lab rules will be subject to the following violation policy.

1st Violation: Clean Up Lab, Sit Down; Lose points for that lab.

2nd Violation: Clean Up Lab, Sit Down; Lose lab points and will not participate in the next two labs.

3rd Violation: Clean Up Lab, Sit Down; May lose lab privileges for the rest of the semester.

Cell phones need to be put away in backpacks or at class charging station at all times unless stated otherwise.

Cell phone policy broken once: Cell phone goes to charging station

Cell phone policy broken twice: Cell phone will be impounded until you go through the process to get the phone out of impound.

Stages of impound: end of class, after school, turned into office per school rules.