RPS Virtual

Arts Festival

June 2022

Welcome to our New Ridgefield Public Schools K-12 Virtual Arts Site!

Thanks for taking a look at some highlights from the art, music and theater programs at all of our schools.

This page will feature a changing gallery of temporary exhibitions & performances. Over time, we'll build up other pages dedicated to the different school levels and art forms.

In our first temporary exhibit, we're looking at the Elements of Art and Principles of Design across the levels. We hope that you'll see the connections as students develop their visual language through the years.

Color and Shape, from elementary, middle and high school

Hannah P Grade 1

Astrid K Grade 8

Ashley B Grade 10

Texture, Repetition and Variety

Niko K Grade 1

Teresa S Grade 8

Finn A Grade 12

Please follow ridgefieldpublicschoolsk12art on Instagram