If Then Game


For every round, there is one Programmer and everyone else is a Computer. The Programmer stands in front of the Computers and gives them his command. If I ____ (fill in the blank), then you _____ (fill in the blank). For example, the Programer gave the command “If I turn in a circle, Then you hop.”

Level 1:

    • Choose someone to be the programmer
    • All other students are computers that will carry out the command.
    • Have Programmer make the If I ____ , Then you _____ statement.
    • Computers must then follow the command

If I Do This, Then You Do That, Else You Do Something Else

This time the programmer makes a statement like this example:

“If I raise my right arm, Then you raise your left arm, Else raise your right foot.” So if he just stands there and does nothing, the Computers should all be raising their right foot.

Level 2:

  • Choose a student to be the programmer and make an IF THEN ELSE statement for the computers to follow

Once the computers get the hang of it, create a speed round and have the computers sit down if they don't follow the commands correctly. Last computer standing is the winner.

Coding Connection

If Then Else is what’s called a conditional statement in programming/coding. It tells the program to do something if it tests true and something else if the tests is false.