What is expected of students?

What should the days at home on our hybrid model look like?

I am still required to take attendance for remote learning days! It is important that your child logs into Google Classroom on remote learning days to complete assignments and answer the daily discussion question. If the discussion question is not completed by 8 p.m., your child will be marked absent for that day. Please have your child complete the daily question BEFORE working on assignments for the day.

Your child will be required to complete work on his/her three days at home. This will be a combination of online work, paper assignments sent home with your child, and/or a project. You will receive your child's weekly assignments scheduled in his/her take-home folders. It will also be posted on our Virtual Classroom.

Online assignments not turned in on time will be marked as incomplete and receive a score of zero. All assignments are to be completed by your child only. It is SO important for me to see what your child's strengths and weaknesses are. Those results will help me prepare upcoming lessons and interventions for your child.

How can parents help?


Logging into Chromebooks and accounts takes time. I know there will be times where you want to do it for your child to get them working on assignments quicker. I promise your child will get better at it with practice. Every year my first grade students use their email to log into Chromebooks daily. The first couple weeks takes a little bit of time for them to get logged in successfully. After daily practice, most children can log into their computers within the 3 minute transition time between centers without a login card!

Your child is capable and will get there, I promise! Fostering independence and giving your child the time to login AND complete their classwork on their own is key to our current learning situation.