
Summer 2024: July 16, 2024 (hybrid; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Agenda forthcoming!

Date & time: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM 

Location: UVA Shannon Library Room 330 *or* join us online via Zoom

Registration link (for in person and remote attendance):

Deadline:  in person registration deadline is June 28, 2024.  Zoom registration deadline is July 12, 2024.

Winter/Spring 2024: February 9, 2024 (virtual) 


1:00: Welcome; Logistics; Round-robin intros; How to host a VASCIG meeting

1:20: Lightning Talks

2:20: Break & topics voting

2:30: Open discussion on topics selected by attendees: 

3:15: Wrap-up and plans for future meetings

Summer 2023: June 16, 2023 (hybrid; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA) **10th Anniversary of VASCIG!**


11:00: welcome; logistics; round robin intros; electing a VASCIG rep to SCHEV-LAC

11:30: lightning talks

12:20: lunch & discussion topics voting 

1:00: VIVA updates & discussion (Jessica Kirschner, VIVA Digital Publishing Coordinator)

1:20: AI panel & discussion (Hillary Miller, VCU; Brandon Butler, UVA; Judith Thomas, UVA; and Nina Exner, VCU)

2:10: open discussion on topics selected by the group:

2:50: wrap up and plans for future VASCIG

3:00: adjourn

Winter/Spring 2023: January 30, 2023 (virtual)


12:30: Welcome, round-robin intros, and updates from attendees

12:50: Lightning Talks, part 1

1:30: Break

1:40: Lightning Talks, part 2 + discussions

2:20: Wrap up and plans for next meeting

Summer 2022: July 11, 2022 (virtual)

12:30 Welcome, round-robin intros, and updates from attendees
12:50 Lightning talks

1:30 Break
1:40 Open discussion & Wrap up/plans for next meeting

Winter/Spring 2022: March 4, 2022 (virtual)

10:30 Welcome & Round robin updates
11:00 Lightning Talks 

11:45 Keynote: Lauren Tilton, University of Richmond & Erik Stallman, UC Berkeley: brief presentation & discussion on DMCA changes and implications for digital humanities research
12:30 wrap up

Summer 2021: June 25, 2021 (virtual)

10:30 Welcome, round-robin intros and updates from attendees

10:50 Lightning talks

VIVA is starting two Open Access deals with journal publishers.  This will be a brief description of these deals as well as an outline of the planned work for the VIVA Open Access Task Force.

The VIVA Course Mapping Project task force has just completed their project to map OA to high enrollment transfer courses and organize these recommended sources in VIVA Open.

I’ll share a few ideas that have come up from VASCIG members and elsewhere about how we can make our meetings more inclusive (for example, a Code of Conduct like VIVA’s:, using a progressive stack for discussion, formalizing hosting documentation). Bring your ideas too! 

11:30 Break

11:40 Open discussion & plans for next meeting

12:30 Adjourn 

Winter/Spring 2021: February 26, 2021 (virtual)

12:30 Welcome & round-robin intros

12:45 Lightning talks

Update on the Elsevier negotiations, how ODU is getting the word out, and VRL plans going forward.

How the UVA School of Data Science passed a set of “Guidelines and Recommendations” that builds on the legacy of open access policies.

TOME is entering year 4 of its 5-year pilot. More than 70 books have been published to date, and we recently collected usage data on the first 25 books. 

UVA Library recently received funding for a grant program to support faculty who want to create or adopt/adapt OER. I'd love to get feedback from others who have developed or are planning such a program.

1:30 Break

1:40 Open discussion & Plans for next VASCIG meeting

Summer 2020: no VASCIG meeting

Winter/Spring 2020: February 7, 2020 (Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA)

10:30 Coffee and snacks/Open Topic Voting 

11:00 Welcome and Introductions (Laurie Preston, Randolph-Macon College) 

11:05 Opening keynote –Stephanie Westcott, VIVA's Open and Sustainable Learning Coordinator, will reflect on her first year with VIVA, the grants and OER; and will answer questions and gather feedback. 

11:45 Peter Potter, VT, ARL Visiting Program Officer for TOME, will present on how TOME is faring 3 years into the 5-year pilot. 

12:05 Lightning talks: 

12:30 Lunch, provided by the McGraw-Page Library, Randolph-Macon College 

1:00 Open Topic Discussion 

2:45 Plan next meeting and adjourn at 3 p.m. 

Summer 2019: June 28, 2019 (University of Richmond, Richmond, VA)

10:30 Coffee & Snacks/Open Topic Voting

11:00 Welcome and introductions (Lucretia McCulley-University of Richmond)

11:10 Opening keynote – Brandon Butler “Breaking Big Deals in Virginia and Beyond”?

11:45 Lightning talks (5-7 minutes each)

12:15 Box lunch provided; Network with colleagues from across the state!

1:00 Open topic discussion 

2:45 Plan next meeting and adjourn at 3 p.m.

Winter/Spring 2019: February 21, 2019 (Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA)

10:30 Coffee & Pastries/Open Topic Voting

11:00 Welcome and Introductions (Paula S. Kiser, W&L)

11:05 Opening keynote – introduction to VIVA's new Open and Sustainable Learning Coordinator and Assessment and E-Resources Program Analyst

11:30 Open topic voting

11:35 Lightning talks (5-7 minutes)

12:15 Lunch Provided

12:45 Brief Reports: SCHEV-LAC representative for VASCIG update

1:00    Open Topic Discussion

3:00    Adjourn

Summer 2018: June 29, 2018 (Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA)

10:30 Coffee & pastries/Open Topic Voting
11:00 Welcome and introductions (Barbara Potts-LU & Lucretia McCulley-Richmond)
11:05 Opening keynote – an update on OERs (Anita Walz-VT)
11:30 Open topic voting
11:35 Lightning talks (5-7 minutes each) 

12:00 Box lunch provided
12:45 Brief Reports: SCHEV-LAC representative for VASCIG update – Philip Young, Virginia Tech Libraries; Cass Adair, With Good Reason;  West Virginia Librarian Request – Lucretia McCulley
1:00   Open topic discussion
3:00   Adjourn (or optional 30 minute library tour) 

Winter/Spring 2018: no VASCIG meeting*

*OpenCon Virginia at VCU served as the Winter/Spring 2018 VASCIG meeting

Summer 2017: June 23, 2017 (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)

10:30 Coffee & pastries

11:00 Welcome and introductions (Ellen Ramsey & Lucretia McCulley)

11:10 Opening keynote on library publishing (Peter Potter)

11:30 Open topic voting (Sherry Lake)

11:35 Lightning talks

12:00 Box lunch provided, VASCIG Goals Survey review (Lucretia McCulley)

1:00 Open topic conversations 

3:00 Adjourn

Winter/Spring 2017: Friday February 10, 2017 (University of Richmond, Richmond, VA)

11:00 Welcome/Introductions/Campus Updates (such as campus events related to ScholComm)

11:30 Lightning Talks

12:15 Networking Lunch 

12:45 Small Group Break-out discussions: What are the goals of VASCIG and how can we work better together?    

1:45 Large Group: Representative from small group reports back to large group

3:00 Adjourn

Summer 2016: June 17, 2016 (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA)

11:00 Welcome
11:15 Presentations and Q&A

Genya O’Gara will be presenting a description and update on VIVA’s membership with the Open Textbook Network (OTN), followed by Wendy Mann and Claudia Holland presenting on George Mason University Libraries planning process to create a Digital Scholarship Center. They will be migrating services, such as the Data Services Group, to the DSC, adding digital humanities support, and collaborating with scholarly communication, repository and metadata services. There will be a discussion of the planning efforts so far and what they hope to accomplish.

12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lightning Talks

1:45 Open Discussion
3:00 Adjourn

Winter 2016: January 15, 2016 (University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA)

Summer 2015: June 3, 2015 (Longwood University, Farmville, VA)

11:00   Welcome & Logistics – Amanda McLellan, Longwood University

11:15   Brief Participant Introductions

11:30   Conference Updates

12:00   Lunch and Informal Networking

1:00     Lightning talks (6-­‐minute presentations with 2 minutes for questions)

1:35     Open Discussion Topics (priority to be decided at event)

2:30     The Future of VASC Forum

3:00     Adjourn

Winter 2015: January 7, 2015 (Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA)

11:00  Welcome & Logistics – Alston Cobourn, Washington & Lee University

Forum Background – Claudia Holland, George Mason University and Lucretia McCulley, University of Richmond

11:15 Brief participant Introductions

11:30 Anita Walz speaks about the Open VA initiative, Open Education Conference; the current state of OER at Virginia Tech and VT University Libraries

12:00 Lunch and Informal Networking

1:00   Lightning talks (6-­‐minute presentations with 2 minutes for questions)

1:45 Open Discussion Topics  (priority to be decided at event)

2:50 The next VASC Forum—who would like to host and when is best

3:00 Adjourn

Summer 2014: June 16, 2014 (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)

Jeff Spies is the co-founder of the Center for Open Science. COS is a nonprofit tech startup and open to all collaborations.  Its mission is to increase openness in the sciences and this is done through 1) Infrastructure development 2) Metascience research (study of science) 3) Open Community

Winter 2014: January 10, 2014 (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)

Summer 2013: June (University of Richmond, Richmond, VA)

Inaugural meeting