Virginia Scholarly Communications Interest Group



The Virginia Scholarly Communications Interest Group (VASCIG) was formed in June 2013 as a forum for academic librarians in Virginia to share information and discuss a wide array of scholarly communication issues, such as copyright, open access publishing, open educational resources, library publishing and data. The group meets twice a year (usually June and January) at an academic library in the central Virginia area.  Our meetings are based on the "unconference" model, emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas among the participants. Various members of the group and site hosts plan the agenda, lead the discussion, and secure a meeting place.  VASCIG also works closely with VIVA (Virginia's Academic Library Consortium) and SCHEV-LAC (State Council on Higher Education in Virginia - Library Advisory Committee) on scholarly communication issues. 

Join the VASCIG Listserv

VASCIG also oversees the VASCIG listserv, where participants can post and read about scholarly communication questions and issues from other Virginia librarians, in addition to receiving notification of the biannual meetings.  Complete this form to join the listserv.


Getting Started: Scholarly Communication Resources 

Developed in the spring of 2017 by a joint working group made up of VIVA Central and members of the Virginia Scholarly Communications Interest Group (VASCIG), this web page details recommended resources for getting started with scholarly communication topics.


VASCIG Meetings are usually held twice per year (in January or February and June or July). Dates, details, and registration are announced on the VASCIG Listserv.

Agendas from previous VASCIG meetings are available on the Meetings tab above and an archive of lightning talks and presentations are available at our OSF Meetings site.

Code of Conduct

VASCIG is dedicated to harassment-free experiences for everyone who attends our meetings, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, or religion. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event at the discretion of the organizers. If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to the meeting's organizers and/or the VASCIG Convener.

(modified from VIVA's Code of Conduct)


For further information, contact the current VASCIG Convener:
Samantha Guss, Research and Education Librarian, VCU Libraries,