
What is Gmail?

Gmail is the email program from Google. Since we are a G Suite for Education district, your student automatically has a gmail account provided to them. Take at a look at the steps to log into your account, as well as more information on getting around in your student's school gmail account

Signing into Gmail


  1. Open the Google Browser on your Chromebook or computing device.

  2. Type in in the address bar.

  3. To the right, click on the word Gmail.

If using another device, you may need to click Sign In and continue the steps.

  1. If you're not already signed in, it will indicate for you to sign in with your Richland 2 username. Click the Next button.

  2. Type your password (given by your teacher) and click Next.

  3. Now click on Gmail.

Signing Into Gmail Video.webm

Gmail Overview and Tips

In the following video, learn how to:

  • open an email

  • send an email

  • organize email messages

  • search for emails

  • schedule an email

  • set a reminder to read an email again.

Gmail Overview

Gmail Sugerencia y Descripción General de Gmail