Mrs. Mooney

Government and

AP Psychology

About Me

My name is Shannon Mooney and I have been teaching at Richland Northeast High School for 4 years. I graduated from the University of South Carolina Aiken in December of 2013 with a Bachelor's of Education, focused on Secondary Social Studies. I love everything about social studies and I do my best to help your student love it too! I am married with 2 dogs, and like to hike and crochet in my free time. I love working with high school students, and am always looking for ways to make government and economics relate to their lives. If you ever have questions or concerns, or just want to stay in touch, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm here to help you and my students make it through this class as painlessly as possible!

Contact Information


Room Phone Number: 803-699-2800 ext. 79715

Google Classroom Codes: 1A: 6qv4xwm 1B: h6sil6

3A: lxsfcir 3B: eik5h4

4A: bhu1pvn 4B: le9scje

Please feel free to join our Google Classroom (I update it daily with notes and classwork from the day), or email me any time about anything!