college of
William & Mary

Center for Gifted Education

Please visit William and Mary's Center fort Gifted Education web page
​for more information about the Integrated Curriculum Model.

English Language Arts

The early childhood years are crucial to the development of strong readers and writers. Students are encouraged to write freely in order to allow their creativity to flourish.Kindergarten and first grade reading instruction will follow the guidelines of our district's balanced literacy program with teachers choosing the best literature for the needs of the class and students.

Beginning in second grade, students will use the College of William & Mary's
Center for Gifted Education

2nd Grade
Beyond Words ​(Frindle) and A World of Wild, Wacky, Wonderful Words

3rd Grade
Journeys and Destinations (The Green Book) or ​Explore, Discover, Reveal (From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler)

4th Grade
Literary Reflections ​(The Secret Garden) or Mind Your Time (The Phantom Tollbooth)

5th Grade
Patterns of Change (A Long Way from Chicago/The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963) or Autobiographies and Memoirs (Knots in My Yo-yo String: The Autobiography of a Kid)

**​Main novel for each unit is listed (in parenthesis) beside the unit title.


Students will begin working in our District's newly adopted Big Ideas Math program.
The following William & Mary Math Units for High-Ability Learners are used to supplement.

1st Grade
Splash! Modeling and Measurement Applications for Young Learners

​3rd Grade
Components Spatial Reasoning

4th Grade
Components Spatial Reasoning
Polygons Galore!

5th Grade
Components of ​Beyond Base Ten

Science & Social Studies

The SC state standards provide the foundation for the social studies and science curriculum.
William & Mary science units for high-ability learners are used on each grade level.
You will see that
some units are used in multiple grades with the most appropriate activities incorporated into their instruction.

Survive and Thrive

1st Grade
Water Works, Budding Botanists & How the Sun Makes Our Day

2nd Grade
Weather Reporter & What's the Matter?

3rd Grade
Dig It!, What's the Matter? & The Earth Beneath Our Feet

4th Grade
Weather Reporter

5th Grade
Invitation to Invent (with Project Lead the Way and NASA Lab)