
Instructor: Brandon Harrison Phone: 803.699.2800 x. 79770

Email: Room: C-107

Tutoring: After school or during lunch

Course Description

The purpose of a course in Economics is to provide a thorough understanding of how day to day choice that must be made about the use of scarce resources impact individuals, societies, and the world at large. Such a course places particular emphasis on the study of basic economic concepts, financial literacy and creating a sound budget, investing for the future, and macroeconomic indicators and policies.

Course Goals and Objectives

Students will...

  • Develop a knowledge of the basic principles of economics.
  • Interpret economic events in society as they occur.
  • Understand the role of the citizen in today’s economy.
  • Correctly construct and interpret graphs, charts, and tables.
  • Develop an understanding of Entrepreneurship and the U.S. Stock Market.
  • Interpret literature written on the subject of economics.
Econ Syllabus 2017 (HARRISON)