Family Wellness Strategies

Unconditional Wellness

Unconditional Joy. Intrinsic Motivation. Continuous Gratitude.

Wellness Conversations and/or Writings!  4/24/24

Skittles anyone?

The end of the year is approaching!  This time of year can bring about mixed emotions.  Feelings of anxiety with testing, thoughts of moving on to a new grade, class, and teacher, feelings of excitement about summer activities, fears and worries about what's to come!

Let's ease some worries with a social emotional wellness Skittle activity!  Help your child to begin to process his/her feelings about the school year-starting now!  


Conversation Cubes 4/9/24

Social Emotional Wellness Conversations

Use the following conversation cubes with family to discuss the following:

You can even use these conversation cubes to get your child/family members to open up about how they are feeling or to start a family game night/family conversations. Check out the conversation cubes at the following link:

Staycation or Vacation: Spring Break Wellness

Staycation: noun: a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions).

Below are some ideas for your family's staycation or vacation destinations!

Whether you are taking a vacation or staycation during Spring Break, we hope that you are considering what will bring your family the most JOY!  

Below you will find resources to help foster the social and emotional wellness of your family during Spring Break and thereafter!

If you choose, feel free to visit the "How Can I Help?" Link to share some of your Spring Break Wellness Fun with us!  You could see your family's fun posted on the JOY Coach's Corner!  

Have an amazingly Socially and Emotionally Well Spring Break!  May you and your family be Unconditionally Well each and everyday! 

Family Dinner Conversation Starters


Family Dinners can be the most exciting time of the day!  To maximize this time, here are some conversation starters/questions you can use to strengthen family bonds!

1.  What was the best part of your day?

2.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

3.  If you could be a famous person for a week, who would you be and why?

4.  If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?

5.  If you had one wish (and you can’t wish for more wishes), what would you wish for and why?

6.  If you could eat just one food everyday for a month and nothing else, what would it be?

7.  What is your biggest fear?

8.  What is one way you helped another person today?

9.  If you could trade places with your parents for a day, what would you do differently?

10.  If you could have one dream come true, what would it be?

11.  If you could pick your own name, what would it be?

12.  If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

13.  Which character in a book best describes you and why?

14.  If you could see your future, where will you be in ten years?

15.  If you could eat dinner with any famous person, who would you choose and why?

16.   If you could have any pet, what would you choose and why?

17.  What is your favorite childhood memory?

18.  What three words would you use to describe yourself?

19. What are the qualities that make you a good friend?

20.  What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?

21.  What is your favorite movie and why?

22.  What is your favorite family tradition?

23.  What is your favorite sport to play?

24.  If you could play any instrument, what would it be and why?

25.  What is your favorite holiday and why?

26.  What is one thing you are grateful for today?

27.  What is your favorite book and why?

28.  What has been the happiest day of your life so far and why?

29.  What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

30.  Where would you like to go on our next family vacation?

31.  What is one thing you could have done better today?

32.  Who is one person in your life you are thankful for and why?

33.  What is the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?

34.  What is your earliest memory?

35.  What is your most embarrassing moment?

36.  What is your least favorite chore?

37.  If you could only eat three foods the rest of your life, what would they be?

38.  If you could have dinner with anyone (past or present), who would it be and why?

39.  If you could stay up all night, what would you do?

40.  What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?

41.  What is one thing you couldn’t live without?

42.  Who is your best friend and why?

43.  If you had to live in another country, which one would you choose?

44.  What is your greatest talent or ability?

45.  What two items would you grab if your house was on fire?

46.  If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

47.  What is something you want to learn how to do and why?

48.  What would you do if you were a king or a queen?

49.  If you were invisible for a day, what would you want to observe?

50.  If you had the attention of the world for just 10 seconds, what would you say?

A Month of JOY (2/14/24)

Spend time this month spreading JOY when you can!  For the days you may miss, spread extra joy by doubling up on the wellness activities!

Advice from a... (A Guide to Responsible Decision Making)-1/31/24

Ever heard the question, "If you could be any kind of animal, what would you be and why?"  As a school community who is focused on being socially and emotionally well (welll, that is well in every way we can be), let's redefine that question.  After reading the advice from the Unicorn above and being as creative as the porcupine (above), how can we ask ourselves and our students such a question and in such a way that we use relevant practical topics to receive and give the best advice!  

Try playing a game of "I spy" as a family.  Discuss what strengths these objects, animals, etc would have that would or could relate you.

Example:  I spy a table!  Develop social and emotional awareness:  I am (or wish to be) as sturdy and strong as that table.  

Example:  I spy a car!  Develop social and emotional awareness:  I wish to be as fast or able to be refueled as easily as a car.  

Example: I spy a tree.  Develop social and emotional awareness:  I have people who support me just as the tree has roots to support and nourish it.  

More times than not, developing social emotional wellness through the lens of making responsible decisions and being open minded, solution-oriented, and a critical thinker is ultimately about what you say, think, and feel, so....

let's say, think, and share our feelings with our family by giving and receiving advice from...

Social Emotional Wellness in 2024!  1/10/24

Family SEW Games!

Let's start the with some fun and games-social emotional wellness fun and games that is!  As you are begin the new year, evaluate your current practices for developing your child's/family's social emotional wellness.  

The following link/article/website includes 5 games that you can play as a family in order to foster Social Emotional Wellness:

Self-Management! 11/8/23

November's Social Emotional Wellness Focus is Self-Management.  Use the video above to discuss ways that your child can manage his/her emotions and expectations.  

101 Ways to say "Good Job!"

Sometimes your child just wants to be encouraged! Here are some ways you can say, "Good Job!" without saying, "Good Job!" 😉

Family Morning and Afternoon Greetings: 10/18

Watch the video to the right to see how a teacher greets his student each day.  Think about how your can greet your child in a similar way each time you see him/her after a period of time.  

What's your family's morning routine like?  How do you greet your child in the morning or in the afternoon when he/she returns from school or from anywhere?  Do you have a special greeting that is just for you and your child like the teacher in the video does?  Do you always wish your child the best for the day?  How do you do say...with a smile, a hug, praise, or a secret handshake?  

Below are 27 ways to greet your child.  

Emotional Wellness Month: 10/4/23

October is Emotional Wellness Month!  What activities can you do with your child to help him/her to develop their emotional intelligence/wellness?  After listening to the book, I'm Proud of Myself, (with your child) try the activity below to continue developing your child's sense of pride (being proud of who he/she is). 

Inspirational JOY: 9/20/23

As you and your child(ren) are processing the day's activities, think/talk about all of the joys you have!  In spite of difficulties and the hassles of the day, what "uplifts" can you find, what marvels do you see, who are the marvelous people you get to interact with?  Just as the little girl in the video found JOY, what JOYs can you and your family discover?

Motivational Wednesday: 9/13/23

As you are journeying through your week, take a moment to quiz your child(ren) on his/her favorite things!  Whether it's playing a game of name that tune, making a game from homework, playing a game of name that emotion or even try a game of Back to Back Drawing as a way for your child to express him/herself to you.  Either way, discover/define, embrace, and develop what brings your child the most JOY!  Do so in fun ways like the above suggestions or create your own fun way!  If you need other ideas, please feel free to reach to the JOY Coach using the How Can I Help tab to the left.  

Family Gratitude Jar-9/6/23

Grateful, Motivated, JOY!  On our community's journey to being Unconditionally Well-recognizing all that is good in spite of..-, it is important to recognize all that we have and are!  Sometime this week, this month, or perhaps before the end of the school year, try making a Family Gratitude Jar.  After reading/listening the above book (A Little Thankful Spot), use the template below to have each family member write something that he/she may be thankful for each day.  Place these "gratitudes" in a jar/container.  Share pictures of your Gratitude Jar using the form the right: How Can I Help

Looking forward to seeing all that you and your family are grateful for!


BHE's Joy Coach

 ~Ms. Boles

Family Wellness Calendar 

As you are waiting out the uncertainties of the next day or two, try some of the following activities.  May you make family wellness a priority despite circumstances-essentially focusing on Unconditional Wellness! 

Family Game Night Icebreaker:  

I have, who has?  

Family Game Night anyone?  A little motivation, confidence booster, or just a positive word to set the tone for a fun-filled game night of JOY can go a long way!  Try playing the game of "I have, Who" has as a family to do just that.   Click here for the directions for the game.    

Link to Superhero "I have, Who has" cards?  Click here.

August 16, 2023

Family Social Emotional Wellness Activity

Family activities can add joy to one's life.  For a family Social Emotional Wellness activity, try playing a game of U.W.E.L.L. (it's just like BINGO with different letters that stand for Unconditional Wellness-focusing on the good in spite of...).  Instead of numbers, the U.W.E.L.L. cards can include positive affirmations, good deeds, tasks, etc.  As a family, try to fill the board by the end of the day, week, month, etc.  As a family, decide if you will fill the board simply for a sense of accomplishment to look back at the good deeds that you have done as a family, to earn a prize, etc. 

*U.W.E.L.L./BINGO-like cards can be created based on your family's Social Emotional Wellness needsMotivational wellness, effort cards (with statements like I didn't give up today, I gave my all, I listened, I asked questions, I did my chores, I had fun, I overcame obstacles, I helped a friend, etc.).  Let me know how I can help you come up with U.W.E.L.L. cards to create for your family.  

***I am also willing to create a family set of Affirmation Bingo or any other Social Emotional Wellness related cards for your family.  Fill out the SEW: How can I help? form to request a set.

See the sample Affirmation Cards below.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023:

The First Day of School!  Awww!  What a refreshing phrase!  Excitement, Newness, and just plain bliss!  As you think back to your conversations about the first day of school, what kind of questions did you ask your child about the first day of school?  What kind of encouragement did you provide for the first day of school?  Do you give more encouragement on the first day of school than any other day?  What if you gave the same amount and kind of encouragement as you did on Day one of Child Development, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, and even thereafter!  

As you continue the journey of ensuring that your child is Unconditionally Well this year, try using some of the same first day encouragements every day of the year!  

Daily Encouragement