Job Market and Publishing Tips

Job Market

Academic Hiring Rituals: The International Version.

Podcast about how hiring works in different countries

2022  The Worst of Anthro Job Ads for 2021

   2021 “Hello to Tristes Tropes.” with Dafna Rachok. Anthropology News

analysis of 20 years of anthropology job ads

2019 “Being an Ethnographer about the Tenure Process.” Anthropology News

2018 “Just Like a Woman: Employment under Neoliberal Conditions.” With Amy Cohen. OECD

2018 “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” Cultural Anthropology

2017 “Studying Humanities Teaches You How to Get a Job” co-authored with Noah Berlatsky. Pacific Standard.

2017 “The Quitting Economy.” AEON

2017 “ ‘A Friend of a Friend’ is No Longer the Best Way to Find a Job.”  Harvard Business Review

2017 “Job Search 101: Debunking 5 Popular Myths that No Longer Apply.” Parade Magazine.

2017 “An Anthropologist’s Peek behind the Scene of Hiring.” Phase2careers blog,

Advice Columns on Publishing Academic Texts

Authors weigh in on how to publish a journal article:

1) When working on a book, what are the advantages and disadvantages of publishing the chapters individually as articles as you work on them?

2) When does deciding an article’s home become important for you during the writing process? Do you write an article knowing the potential venue(s) that it might be published in or do you just write an article first and then figure out where it could be published?

3) Any suggestions for coauthoring articles? Are there useful strategies for dividing up the work? What kinds of agreements do you like to make when beginning the collaboration?

4) Is there any merit in thinking about an article submission as a way to get feedback on a work in progress?

5) How do you react to a piece that has been rejected? Do you burst into tears, curl up into a ball, fume at the editor and reviewers, get back to the drawing board? The possibilities are endless.

6) Do you have any suggestions for how to approach writing and publishing pieces that are more theoretical rather than more ethnographic?

7) When you receive a revise and resubmit, how do you typically approach the reviewers’ comments? How many of those comments should be included in the revised draft?

8) At what point do you decide that it is better to try and publish a piece in a different venue instead of trying to resubmit a revised article to the same journal?

9) What are the spoken and unspoken metrics of publishing in your experience? Do some types of publications or venues count more than others?

10) To what degree does publishing either in another language or an international, non-English publication count towards your standing as a scholar or tenure and promotion in anthropology?

11) What are the pros and cons of publishing outside of anthropology?

12) How would you approach the process of publishing something in a non-anthropological journal? What are some strategies to think about prior to submitting an article for review?

Book editors weigh in on questions that authors commonly ask:

1) What type of guidance should an author expect in working with an editor?

2) How long does it usually take to get reviews back on a manuscript?

3) How should authors think about potential reviewers to suggest to presses?

4) How do authors submit to multiple presses without offending editors?

5) How should authors transform already published articles into book chapters?

6) Dissertations are often made available online through, for instance, Proquest. How does this potentially impact the publishing process (of books based on dissertations)?…ons-versus-books/

7) What sort of questions should first time authors ask editors that they often don’t?

8) When should an author first contact an editor?

9) Would you recommend that first authors try to get an advance contract?  Why or why not?

10) How many chapters of a book can be already in print as articles?

11) What is the difference between a series editor and press editor?

12) How long should a nervous author wait before asking an editor if the manuscript’s reviews are in yet?

And: Here is my short piece with Lauren Leve about mentoring graduate students with ADHD: