24/7 Youth Work


Kia ora! We are your 24/7 youthworkers at Riccarton high school!

We are here to support students to flourish in every area of their lives through building quality relationships and connecting students to various support networks and activities. We are engaged in building quality relationships with students through mentoring, sports leadership and cultural engagement as well as having a consistent presence at school during lunch times.


Kia ora my name is Stephen!

I am one of the 24/7 youthworkers at Riccarton high school. I am passionate about seeing students reach their full potential as holistically healthy, vibrant and happy young people. Love a good yarn and some banter so if you see me around school come say Hi! I’ll be the dude rocking the socks and sandals and the bum bag.


As a Youth worker at Riccarton High for the past 9 years I've been lucky enough to meet a lot of really amazing young people. My role as a youth worker is – to help you, journey alongside and support you, cheering you on to be that amazing young person.

When I look back on my life, I realise that the one thing I wanted when I was going through my own struggles at school was just someone to talk to. I didn’t necessarily want to be told what to do or be given advice, I just wanted to know that someone cared. I will admit, I did not enjoy school that much and felt like I didn’t fit in because I wasn’t ‘brainy’ enough. But I was good at sport. And what I’ve come to realise is that there is always something that can get you through – a strength or a talent that can help you get through the rough times. And now knowing that, I want to help you discover also what your unique and special quality is that can help you get through too.

What I’ve noticed, is that young people often have similar issues – they want to feel included, they want to get over certain things that might be holding them back, they might be worried about stuff going on at home, school or friendships. Whatever you are going through, my focus is for you to feel completely comfortable to chat, knowing that you will experience unconditional acceptance and support. I guess you could say it is like having someone walk beside you; knowing you are not alone. And that is often all you need.

Please always feel free to come and talk with us, we love to chat and support you to be the best you.


Kia ora I'm Nicky! I have been around RHS as a Youth Worker for a while now, and I absolutely love being there because I get to spend time with great people! Getting to know students and seeing them around school all the time is awesome, especially when you get to see students start off as scared Year 9s and leave as confident, mature Year 12s and 13s after their time at high school is done.

I love talking to anyone, especially getting to know people who are different to me and who have different views on the world. I also love helping students with anything that gets in their way, whether it be helping someone settle into school, helping them find the right help they need or helping with friends/family stuff going on.

Come say hi at lunchtimes when you see us around!


24-7 YouthWork is an established and effective approach. It has been a forerunner to emerging national

trends in youth work and has research that affirms its value for young people and schools.

“Young people have multiple ‘worlds’ they interact with. The stronger the connection between the young person and the four worlds around them the more successful their transition to adulthood will be and the stronger our community will become.”

In 2002 the Ministry of Youth Development published ‘Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa’ as a policy platform for government agencies and others who work with young people.

The strategy asserts in six principles that youth development is:

• Shaped by the ‘big picture’

• About young people being connected

• Based on a strengths-based approach

• Happens through quality relationships

• Triggered when young people fully participate

• Needing good information

These principles are implicit in 24-7 YouthWork.

24-7 YouthWork is positive in emphasis, relational in nature and helps young people increase their in-school and out-of-school connections. It also constantly evolves to reflect youth culture, encourages young people to make their own decisions and has been committed to research.

“The 24-7YW youth workers are essential to the health and wellbeing of a community. They provide the means for the children and youth of the community to be heard and connected...and to feed the views of these young people into any decision-making processes within that community.”

~Sergeant Steven Jones, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch