Learning Extra Skills

With Mr. H

In this Page, I will share with you interesting videos that I think it may benefit you now or in the future. It doesn't hurt to get to know a little bit more about science and life skills. If you are interested in those, you can look more in depth by searching more about that topic. All these videos focus on developing personal skill and life skills. It is not about math content.

Enjoy and thank you for learning with me!

Amazing Things and Curiosities

Hidden Miracles of the Nature World

Transforming Toys and Designs

Meet Spot, the robot dog, that can run, hop, and open doors

Hacking your memory with sleep:

We've all been told to get a good night's sleep before a test -- finally, here's the reason why. Sleep scientist Matt Walker explains how getting enough sleep affects how our brains store and process memories.

Are asian students smarter?

Hi students!

This video mentions some true points and the wrong stereotype about asian students. Lets what and see what we can learn from this video.

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goal?

Hi students!

This video will share with you the secret to practice a good habit that helps you achieve any goal that you plan.

Credit Cards 101

In this video, you'll learn the basics of credit cards! We cover what exactly a credit card is, how you can get one (even if you're only a student), and the differences between co-signers and authorized users.

Tax 101:

In this video, you'll learn everything you need to know about the U.S. Tax system. We cover the ins & outs of how taxes are calculated, everything from deductibles to exemptions, as well as how our progressive tax system actually works.